Oliewenhuis Art Museum is pleased to announce the opening of Venture, an exhibition that artfully interweaves recent acquisitions with established works from ArtbankSA's contemporary collection. Venture transforms viewers into adventurers, inviting them to discover fresh perspectives through diverse media displayed in the Reservoir at Oliewenhuis Art Museum. The collection showcases…
Oorspronklike musiek, nuwe verwerkings van bekende melodieë, briljante musikante, aangrypende stories, hope humor en skouspelagtige ontwerpe – net ‘n paar aspekte van wat jy kan verwag van Nataniël se nuutste produksie CAKE TOPPER. Hy gesels met Yolanda Maartens in die OFM Kunsteklop oor die harde werk wat in so produksie…
Think opulent outfits, designer jewellery, music written by Grammy awarded musicians, a storyline bringing life to our South African heritage and choreography that will move your soul. Director of the Mzansi Ballet, Dirk Badenhorst joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat as he shares his passion for "The gold…
A journey through colour and imagination, curated by the talented young Art Museum Guides, Zethu Mvila and Ziya Khubeka. Ethereal invites visitors into a captivating and serene world where colour, texture, and light converge to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Ziya Khubeka joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM…
Coenie de Villiers word allerweë erken as een van nie alleen Afrikaans se beste liedjieskrywers nie, maar een van Suid-Afrika se voorste klavier-maestro’s, sangers en komponiste. Hy sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan in die OFM Kunsteklop om te gesels oor die debuut van sy nuwe vertoning: "Wie kan my se…
Die Snowflake in Potchefstroom is onder andere die tuiste van ‘n gallery wat plaaslike kunstenaars ‘n platform gee om hul werke ten toon te stel, hul kreatiwiteit te deel en inspirasie te kweek by lede van die publiek om ook hulself deur kuns uit te leef. Bestuurder by die Snowflake,…
Na 7 jaar, keer kunstenaar David Griessel terug na sy tuis dorp Bloemfontein met 'n solo uitstalling by die Co-Op Gallery. Hy sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan in die OFM Kunsteklop en vertel hoe die wereld in sy gedagtes op papier eindig en hoe hy die karakters ontwikkel. Die uitstalling…
Michelle Thöle-van Zyl, ARTi Gallery Programme Director, joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat in her capacity as Competition Coordinator for the 2024 Arti Art Competition as they proudly make the winners known! With a grand prize of R260 000 this national competition drew just over 500 entries with…
With the aim to encourage community theatre and arts among the youth of Paballelo, Upington, a motivated group of individuals build out their creativity on a daily basis. Founder Elcardo Chulu joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat to talk about their needs and to appeal to the Northern…
Inspired by SANKOFA, a Ghanaian concept emphasizing the importance of drawing wisdom from the past, this exhibition invites viewers to experience Mafafo’s artistic legacy in full. Chief Curator at the William Humphreys Art Gallery - Chepape Makgato joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM artbeat to tell us more.
The William Humphreys Art Gallery (WHAG) is delighted to present SANKOFA: 360 Degree Exhibition, an extraordinary retrospective honouring the remarkable six-decade artistic journey of Rochester ‘Rocky’ Mafafo, an important figure in South African art. Chief Curator at the WHAG, Chepape Makgato joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat to…
Calling All Filmmakers! The 46th Durban International Film Festival 2025 Submissions Are Officially Open! Helene Naicker, Programme Coordinator, joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat. The final submission deadline is 31 January 2025. Don't miss your chance to be part of South Africa's oldest and largest film festival, renowned…
Hierdie feestyd in samewerking met Pro Strings kan jy help om vreugde te bring aan 500 bejaardes in Bloemfontein. Jy kan finansieel bydra of items vir die geskenkpakkies skenk. Sharon de Kock sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan in die OFM Kunsteklop en vertel hoe musiek die grootste geskenk is hierdie…
Die koördineerder van die uitstalling “Nuwelinge”, Martie Bothma, sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan in die OFM Kunsteklop. Vir meeste van die deelnemers wie se werke besigtig kan word, is kuns 'n stokperdjie en is dit 'n besonderse geleentheid om hul werke teen die muur van 'n gallery te sien. Die…
Artistic Director and CEO of the Free State Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Boico joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat as he shares his passion for the orchestra turning 50 as well as providing detailed insight into the program for their final repetoire for 2024. The concert takes place 16…
Jeanne-Louise Moolman van die Odeion Skool vir Musiek sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan in die OFM Kunsteklop om te vertel van die ontstaan van Take Four. Verder gesels sy oor hul konsert die 21ste November in die Odeion in Bloemfontein en hoekom jy gerus die 4 vriendinne en hul liefde…
Marianne Cilliers-Legierski keer terug na haar geliefde Bloemfontein, natuurlik met haar viool om saam met pianis Petro Engelbrecht een aand van ongelooflike musiek met die Vrystaat se gehoor te deel. Die uitvoering is die 14de November, 19:00 in die Odeion en toegang is gratis. Marianne sluit by Yolanda Maartens aan…
Konsert Meester Sharon de Kock gesels oor die Vrystaat Simfonie Orkes se uitvoering van Beethoven se 9de simfonie wat die 2de November in die Sand du Plessis teater, Bloemfontein, plaasvind. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Webtickets.
The Odeion School of Music in collaboration with The Odeion String Quartet presents Dido and Aeneas An English opera by Henry Purcell. Yolanda Maartens speaks to Albertus Engelbrecht about that people can expect at this spectacular opera show. Entrance is free. For those who cannot make it on 8 November,…
Oliewenhuis Art Museum is pleased to announce the opening of Sojourn, a compelling exhibition exploration of transience and transformation in contemporary South African art. Curated from the Art Bank of South Africa Collection, this exhibition interrogates the concept of temporary stays and their profound impact on human experience. Yolanda de…
17 Oct 2024
2 min
1 – 20
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