Impact 103 Word for the day

Word for the day

Alive to God sends out Daily Thoughts of encouragement via e-mail to inspire believers in their walk of faith with God. We would love to encourage those who would like to experience more of God.
If you choose to subscribe a new DAILY THOUGHT will be sent directly to your e-mail address every weekday.

May you be inspired, motivated and encouraged by each Daily Thought.
Daily English South Africa Christianity · Self-Improvement
566 Episodes
1 – 20

Word for today | 1 Samuel 30:6b

Daily Thought 1 Samuel 30:6b 'David found strength in the LORD his God.' When you face distress, remind yourself where your strength comes from. Don’t look to perfect conditions or ideal circumstances for your strength. Look to the Lord for your strength regardless of the challenge. You will find strength…
31 Jan 2026 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Exodus 23:20

Daily Thought Exodus 23:20 ‘See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.’ You are not alone in the journey of life. The Lord is with you and the angels go before you. He…
17 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Exodus 8:22

Daily Thought Exodus 8:22 ‘But on that day I will give special treatment to the land of Goshen, where My people are living…’ As a child of God, you are valuable and important to Him. The Lord will look after His people and that includes you. Things can be very…
16 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Jeremiah 31:3

Daily Thought Jeremiah 31:3 ‘I have loved you, Name, with an everlasting love…’ Pause for a moment, and remind yourself of God’s great love for you. You are loved by the One Who created you. You are understood by the One Who formed you in your mother’s womb. Nothing and…
13 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 142:3NLT

Daily Thought Psalm 142:3NLT ‘When I am overwhelmed, You alone know the way I should turn.’ Life’s burdens can sometimes be overwhelming. But no one knows you and your situation like the Lord. When we don’t know what to do, we can always call on the Lord. He knows the…
12 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 63:1

Daily Thought Psalm 63:1 ‘You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek You; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.’ Our greatest need is not physical things but for God Himself. It is in God that…
11 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | 1 Chronicles 16:25

Daily Thought 1 Chronicles 16:25 ‘Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise!’ Never limit the greatness of God in your life. He is far greater than any problem or challenge that you may face. Celebrate Him and His greatness over your situation. Believe in His faithfulness, His…
10 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Isaiah 61:7

Daily Thought Isaiah 61:7 ‘And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.’ Restoration and provision are part of God’s wonderful plan for you. He takes loss and shame and turns it into joy and blessings. God’s faithful love for us gives…
9 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 71:7 (NLT)

Daily Thought Psalm 71:7 (NLT) ‘My life is an example to many, because You have been my strength and protection.’ Your life can be a testimony to others that God is faithful. In the challenges of life, His strength in our lives can be seen by others. So don’t rely…
6 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Psalm 71:7 (NLT)

Daily Thought Psalm 71:7 (NLT) ‘My life is an example to many, because You have been my strength and protection.’ Your life can be a testimony to others that God is faithful. In the challenges of life, His strength in our lives can be seen by others. So don’t rely…
6 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Jeremiah 1:5a

Daily Thought Jeremiah 1:5a ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…’ God’s knowledge of you is greater than you could ever imagine. Nothing about your life is an accident. He created you with a plan and a purpose in mind. He loved you from before you were…
6 Feb 3AM 1 min

Word for today | 1 Samuel 30:8

Daily Thought 1 Samuel 30:8 The LORD told him, ‘Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!’ Restoration is part of God’s wonderful plan for you. Trust the Lord for complete restoration of all that has been taken from you. The Lord can restore…
3 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | 1 Samuel 30:6b

Daily Thought 1 Samuel 30:6b 'David found strength in the LORD his God.' When you face distress, remind yourself where your strength comes from. Don’t look to perfect conditions or ideal circumstances for your strength. Look to the Lord for your strength regardless of the challenge. You will find strength…
2 Feb 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Acts 7:9-10

Daily Thought Acts 7:9-10 'But God was with him and rescued him from all his troubles.' Even in times of trouble, God is with you to rescue and deliver you. God’s presence can be that constant in your life. Problems can be an opportunity for His purposes to unfold. He…
30 Jan 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Luke 1:30

Daily Thought Luke 1:30 'Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favour with God.' The blessing and favour of God on our lives is our greatest asset. God has chosen you for a purpose and His hand rests on your life. He wants to use your life to bring…
29 Jan 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Exodus 3:21

Daily Thought Exodus 3:21 'I will make the Egyptians favorably disposed toward this people, so that when you leave you will not go empty-handed.' Restoration is something that is important to God. He can put favour in the hearts of people towards you. He can move hearts even in impossible…
28 Jan 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Isaiah 49:17 (NASB)

Daily Thought Isaiah 49:17 (NASB) 'Your builders hurry; Your destroyers and devastators Will leave you.' The Lord is actively involved in rebuilding and restoring your life. Those who came to wreck and destroy you will leave you. Devastation now comes to an end and a new season of hope dawns…
27 Jan 11PM 1 min

Word for today | Isaiah 43:1b

Daily Thought Isaiah 43:1b 'I have called you by name; you are Mine.' The Lord knows you by name and He cares for you. It was the Lord Who gave you life and made you a part of His eternal plan. He says to you today: ‘YOU, (NAME), ARE MINE!’…
26 Jan 11PM 1 min

Word for today | 2 Kings 6:23b

Daily Thought 2 Kings 6:23b 'So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory.' At times in life it can feel as though we face challenges on every side. This verse shows us that God can put a stop to the attacks we face. God can step in and cause…
23 Jan 11PM 1 min

Word for today | 2 Kings 6:16

Daily Thought 2 Kings 6:16 ‘Do not be afraid,’ Elisha answered, ‘for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ Sometimes life can seem tumultuous and even overwhelming. It’s at times like these that we can lose perspective and think that we are done for…
22 Jan 11PM 1 min
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