Mid-Morning Empowerment

Your mid-morning brunch time show offers an in-depth study of the core
fundamental beliefs of the SDA church, empowering devotions, deconstructing
of some thought-provoking - and sometimes confusing - texts, live music
requests, as well as a parenting feature covering all to do with raising a godly
child. Presented by Zanele Zama, Mid-Morning Empowerment is sure to keep
you company during your mid-morning.
Weekly English South Africa Christianity · Kids & Family
437 Episodes
1 – 20

Daily Focus | David and Goliath Pastor Omega Bbilika

In the face of a seemingly insurmountable giant, David, armed with nothing but a sling and unwavering faith, demonstrates the power of trusting in God's strength. Join us as we unpack the lessons this iconic showdown holds for us today and discover how we too can confront our own giants…
17 Jun 18 min

Making Men | A Relationship with His Children Elder Costa Sibanda

Fathers play a pivotal role in the spiritual, emotional, and physical development of their children. Today, we’ll discuss biblical principles, practical advice, and personal experiences that can help fathers forge deep, meaningful connections with their children. Whether you’re a new dad, a seasoned father, or a father figure, this conversation…
17 Jun 25 min

Daily Focus | Avoid Negative Influence Pastor Bright Sinkozi

As Christians, we.re called to be salt and light in the world, yet our relationships and associations can profoundly impact our spiritual journey. Drawing from biblical wisdom, we'll explore the warnings against aligning ourselves with those who lead others astray or engage in sinful behaviour. Join us as we navigate…
13 Jun 27 min

Woman’s World | Women in Rural Areas Shepherdess Namushi

Women in rural communities often encounter a range of obstacles, from limited access to healthcare and education to economic disparities and social isolation. Despite these challenges, rural women demonstrate remarkable resilience and strength, drawing upon their faith and community support to overcome adversity. Join us as we delve into the…
13 Jun 22 min

Little Heaven | Conflict Resolution with Mr. & Mrs. Mongwe

Effective conflict resolution involves active listening, where partners give each other their full attention, seeking to understand not just the words spoken but also the emotions and intentions behind them. It's about putting aside defensiveness and ego, instead choosing empathy and understanding as the guiding principles of the conversation. Join…
12 Jun 58 min

Boys Bunker | Being a Good Friend Evangelist Brighton

In a world that often emphasizes competition and individualism, it's crucial for boys to understand the value of genuine friendship and supportive relationships. From offering a listening ear to providing encouragement and standing up against bullying, boys have the power to positively impact the lives of those around them. Join…
12 Jun 18 min

God’s Girls | Balancing Expectations Shepherdess Namushi

Today, our focus is on Girls Balancing Expectations—examining the pressures they face from family and society and exploring how they can navigate these expectations while staying true to themselves and their faith. From academic success to career aspirations, relationships, and societal standards of beauty, girls often find themselves pulled in…
11 Jun 23 min

Little Heaven | In-Laws with Mr. & Mrs. Mongwe

Navigating relationships with in-laws can be both a rewarding and challenging aspect of marriage. In-laws are an extension of the family unit, and fostering positive relationships with them can enhance the overall harmony and support within the marriage. Here's a look at the dynamics of in-law relationships in today’s marriage.
10 Jun 1 hr 11 min

Daily Focus | Forgiveness and Redemption Pastor Passmore

Falling into temptation is a reality that every Christian faces, but it is not the end of the story. Through repentance, forgiveness, and redemption, we can restore our relationship with God and continue to grow in our faith. Let us embrace God's grace, seek His forgiveness, and commit to living…
7 Jun 10 min

Little Heaven | Communication with Mr. & Mrs. Maele

In marriage, communication is the language of love—the means through which couples express their affection, support, and appreciation for one another. It's the tender words whispered in the quiet moments, the laughter shared over inside jokes, and the heartfelt conversations that deepen their bond. Let’s talk about communication in a…
7 Jun 1 hr 03 min

Family of Faith | Love Languages Pastor Horace Silwane

Understanding and meeting each family member’s love language is a powerful way to strengthen relationships and create a loving and supportive home environment. Today, we focus on the topic of love languages and how understanding each family member's love language can strengthen relationships and build a more loving and supportive…
7 Jun 22 min

Daily Focus | Coping with Temptations in Relationships

Today, we examine the temptations that can arise in various types of relationships, including romantic, familial, and friendships. These relationships are foundational to our lives, yet they can be sources of significant temptation such as infidelity, dishonesty, and unforgiveness. We’ll explore these temptations, their impact on our relationships, and biblical…
5 Jun 17 min

Little Heaven | Individuality with Mr & Mrs Maele

Individuality in marriage is a delicate dance between independence and togetherness, where each partner retains their autonomy while also prioritizing the well-being of the relationship. It's about finding that perfect balance between nurturing your own identity and nurturing the bond you share with your spouse.
5 Jun 1 hr 01 min

Boys Bunker | Critical Thinking Pastor Chirima

Today, we focus on the importance of boys developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In a rapidly changing world, these skills are crucial for navigating life's challenges, making informed decisions, and contributing positively to society. We’ll explore biblical principles, practical steps, and inspiring stories that highlight the significance of nurturing…
5 Jun 16 min

Daily Focus | Resisting Temptation Pastor Passmore Muunga

Navigating the temptations of materialism, social media, and the pursuit of success requires a strong foundation in biblical principles and a commitment to prioritizing our faith. By setting boundaries, focusing on eternal values, and seeking God's guidance, we can resist these temptations and live lives that honour Him.
4 Jun 20 min

God’s Girls | Dreaming Big Sister Clare Mulamfu

Encouraging girls to have ambitions and set high goals is crucial for their personal growth and the betterment of society. By fostering a supportive environment, providing practical guidance, and relying on biblical principles, we can help girls reach their full potential. Today, we focus on the importance of girls having…
4 Jun 21 min

Daily Focus | The Nature of Temptation Pastor Passmore

Today, we explore the biblical perspective on what constitutes temptation and how it differs from sin. Understanding this distinction is crucial for believers striving to live a holy and righteous life. We’ll look at scriptural examples and teachings to clarify the nature of temptation and the steps we can take…
3 Jun 17 min

Little Heaven | Expectations with Mr & Mrs Maele

Healthy expectations in marriage serve as a roadmap, outlining the mutual vision and aspirations shared by both partners. They provide a sense of direction, guiding behaviours and decisions towards common goals and values. When aligned, expectations can foster connection, intimacy, and fulfillment within the relationship. Let’s talk about it.
3 Jun 1 hr 03 min

Bible Corner | Fear God

We are still talking about the fear of God, and today we’ll be discussing the meaning of Proverbs 9:10 (The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom)
29 May 16 min

Daily Focus | Fear vs. Love Pastor Dennis Matekenya

The Bible teaches us to fear God as a form of deep respect and reverence, acknowledging His power, justice, and holiness. At the same time, we are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, experiencing His grace, mercy, and compassion. Today, we're tackling a profound…
28 May 17 min
1 – 20