Smile FM The JoyRide with Angel Campey

The JoyRide with Angel Campey

Join Angel Campey, Eugene Mpatheni and Dean Frederich for the best way to get home with laughs, the best music and the tricky brain basher. Monday to Friday 4pm - 7pm.
Weekly English South Africa Improv Narrated by Eugene Mpatheni, Dean Friedrich
515 Episodes
1 – 20

The Joy Ride ROM COM: The Characters and The Scene

Every year, The Joy Ride writes a Romantic Comedy ready for Valentine's Day. It's a Rom Com with a difference because we write it with your assistance and creativity and this year's no different. Angel starts of the Rom Com with Christine who works in a hospital. Unfortunately for Christine,…
4 Feb 7 min

Where Did You Meet Your Partner?

It's the tagline to many a rom com even spawning How I Met Your Mother. But how did you meet your partner? That's the question Angel asked on the Joy Ride and also learned how Eugene and Dean met their partners. The Answers are hilarious!! Grab Your Sides!!
3 Feb 6 min

FGN - Jeopardy: Grammys Edition

Angel Campey puts Eugene and Dean through their paces on their knowledge on Grammys in Family Games Night - Jeopardy. Angel gives them the answers and they have to reply with the question to get the point. Play along and see if you can crack it!
3 Feb 6 min

Family Games Night: Angel Jeopardy Edition!

Angel played the game that's the hallmark of American Quiz Television, Jeopardy with Eugene and Dean. Let it be known, Eugene might be clutz when it comes to Brain Bashers but mister knows what's up when it comes to everything General knowledge
31 Jan 5 min

The Most Attractive People Are Born In..... Find out!!

Your partner might tell you that you were the most attractive thing at the club when they saw you but if they weren't born in the month Angel Campey was born in, it's just your opinion! Find out what the most attractive month is on The Joy Ride with Angel…
30 Jan 5 min

ChatGPT & other AI: Do You Use It and What For?

Angel's partner went the extra mile to tell how much he loves her. There's a caveat. Angel realised that he was using ChatGPT, which he was and it was hilarious. Turns out that ChatGPT has been become the GO TO tool to assist teachers, writing essays decode the jargon used…
29 Jan 8 min

FGN - Jeopardy - Luxury Brands Edition

The staple of American TV is now on The Joy Ride with Angel Campey. Angel quizzed Eugene and Dean on the luxury brands and the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Play along but always start your answer with WHAT IS or WHO IS. Go!
28 Jan 4 min

Weevils Weevils Everywhere! Angel has Weevils in her pasta!

Those little black things weren't additional seasoning packed with your pasta. Angel found out that those were weevils! What old thing has been sitting at the back of your pantry? The Joy Ride with Angel team found out the answer and boy oh boy, it's a barf a minute!!!
28 Jan 1 min

Who Should Keep The Name Debate - The Dog Or The Human

You read that right! A woman and sister at loggerheads because the one sister's dog's name is Charlie and she's had the dog for 4 years and the other sister is expecting her first baby who also wants to name her baby boy Charlie! Who keeps the baby name? Dog…
27 Jan 7 min
1 – 20