Smile Tech

All you ever wanted to know about the latest technology, apps, software, gaming and hardware.
Weekly English South Africa Tech News
120 Episodes
1 – 20

Tech Talk with Theunis : Google & Samsung team-up

The world of VR headsets is a pricey one, ruled by the names you would expect in the tech game, with the exorbitant costs prohibiting the average gamer from exploring brave new world's. Theunis Jansen van Rensberg explains to Keeno Lee how the forthcoming collaboration between Google and Samsung might…
14 Feb 5 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Google & Samsung team-up

The world of VR headsets is a pricey one, ruled by the names you would expect in the tech game, with the exorbitant costs prohibiting the average gamer from exploring brave new world's. Theunis Jansen van Rensberg explains to Keeno Lee how the forthcoming collaboration between Google and Samsung might…
14 Feb 5 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : new device launch from Samsung

It's always interesting to see how the tech giants handle design they make changes and risk far-ranging consequences, or maintain the status quo with a few tweaks? Well, Samsung recently launched their latest offerings in their "S" range, definitely choosing the latter of those options...Theunis Jansen van Rensburg from…
5 Feb 3 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : New entrant in the AI saga

Its been the dominating tech and science story for recent years, and AI is going nowhere anytime soon. We spoke about Chat GPT at length last year, even chronicling their mother company becoming one the richest companies in the world...until recently...Theunis Jansen van Rensburg from Bandwidth Blog spoke to Keeno…
3 Feb 4 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Moon Base Missions

On July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon after reaching its surface in their Apollo 11 lunar module. The world rejoiced, we had dared to dream and had achieved a lofty goal. However it was apparently achieved at…
12 Dec 2024 4 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : New hand-held gaming console in development...

The ever-shifting gaming landscape has been dominated by a few tech companies since we first began simple console gaming with The Odyssey, manufactured by Magnavox and released in North America in September of 1972. It's considered the very first home video game console with Ralph Baer, a German-American engineer, creating…
6 Dec 2024 3 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Google competion case part 2

A while ago Theunis Jansen van Rensberg from Bandwidth Blog informed Keeno Lee and our listeners of Google being taken on by the Justice Dept. in the States, accusing them of being a monopoly in the search engine market sector. Well, that case is still developing, and there are now…
2 Dec 2024 3 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Amazon becoming a nuclear power?

The anxiety of the Cold War will never leave our collective psyche. The ever-looming threat of nuclear war made for very stressful times, with journalists forecasting annihilation every few weeks. The world has calmed down somewhat since then, but nuclear still has a stigma attached to it, and whethere its…
21 Nov 2024 4 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Chat GPT challenging Google

A few weeks ago we spoke about Google possibly being wrapped over the knuckles by the Competition Commission in the States, accusing them of having a massive monopoly in terms of it being the most widely-used search engine by massive margins. But now, like the gladiators of old, a young,…
14 Nov 2024 4 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Mac week

We all are aware its the time of year that all the tech giants show off their wares, and the improvements and changes, whether technical or aesthetically-speaking are always highly anticipated & then hotly debated. Tech giant Apple is no different, refreshing their entire Mac line recently in a week-long…
6 Nov 2024 3 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Sony launches the new PS 5 Pro

In many online forums, at many gaming events across the world, there are countless opinions as to who makes the best console, but it usually boils down to 2 main competitors, Microsoft's X Box and the Sony Playstation 5. It is hard however to ignore the numbers... In the last…
24 Oct 2024 4 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : New discoveries and developments in space

Many of us become obsessed with space early on in life, especially from around 9 years old; the glut of information available satisfies our need to try and understand the broader world we are discovering as we grow. The unknown still fascinates us as adults, and any new development in…
17 Oct 2024 4 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Local competitor for Uber

Uber has had the lion's share of the E-hailing market for a while, with somewhat unsafe and less comfortable flashes in the pan brought by Bolt and Indrive, but nothing with the safety and relative reliability combined with overall positive driver experiences that Uber delivers. Theunis Jansen van Rensburg tells…
14 Oct 2024 4 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Apple reveals new iPhones

A few weeks ago, the tech giant Apple launched one of its flagship offerings, the new iPhone. Yes ladies and gentlemen, its that time of the year when we play one of the most boring games ever : "How similar is this to last year?" Well, that's what usually happens,…
2 Oct 2024 4 min

Tech Tuesday with Thinus : Google in hot water

It's the American dream : a company started at Stanford by 2 geeks in the 90s grows to a 1.97 trillion dollar multinational corporation focused on online advertising, search engine technology, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, e-commerce, consumer electronics, and artificial intelligence. However, with great power, comes great responsibility...or…
18 Sep 2024 4 min

Tech Tuesday with Theunis : Drama in space

Many parents can regale you with stories of transport mishaps, being late dropping your kid off or picking them up. Of course most of us have experienced the inconvenience of a puncture or some other vehicle-related delay. However, Boeing has trumped every previous transport incident. Theunis Jansen van Rensburg shares…
11 Sep 2024 4 min

Tech Tuesday with Theunis : Apple moves into new market sector

Teddy Roosevelt once said "comparison is the thief of joy" but in the world of the tech giants, its inevitable. And while smart homes and product interconnectivity have been around for some time, we haven't seen a major splash in this market segment. Yes, we've seen the Google Nest Hub…
4 Sep 2024 3 min

Tech Talk with Theunis : Solar energy game changer

There is a word that strikes dread straight into the hearts of most South Africans, a spectre that loomed over our heads for far too long, a word that robs us of productivity, costs businesses billions and even contributes to an increase in petty crime...yes, you guessed it: LOADSHEDDING. Even…
28 Aug 2024 3 min

Tech Tuesday with Theunis - Made by Google

Edwin Percy Whipple said "Talent jogs to conclusions to which Genius takes giant leaps." All the tech giants are having their massive product or range launches this time of year, and Google is no different. We recently covered the Samsung event and Theunis Jansen van Rensburg from Bandwidth Blog and…
22 Aug 2024 4 min

Tech Tuesday with Theunis : Chat GPT watermarking

There is an almost universal desire, a fervent wish that has left the lips of many a student deep in the throes of completing a challenging essay, book report or thesis : "why can't someone write this for me?!!" Although entirely necessary for the process of learning or research, we've…
14 Aug 2024 4 min
1 – 20