
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the power-packs within cells in all complex life on Earth.

Inside each cell of every complex organism there are structures known as mitochondria. The 19th century scientists who first observed them thought they were bacteria which had somehow invaded the cells they were studying. We now understand that mitochondria take components from the food we eat and convert them into energy.

Mitochondria are essential for complex life, but as the components that run our metabolisms they can also be responsible for a range of diseases – and they probably play a role in how we age. The DNA in mitochondria is only passed down the maternal line. This means it can be used to trace population movements deep into human history, even back to an ancestor we all share: mitochondrial Eve.


Mike Murphy
Professor of Mitochondrial Redox Biology at the University of Cambridge

Florencia Camus
NERC Independent Research Fellow at University College London


Nick Lane
Professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry at University College London

Producer Luke Mulhall
29 Jun 2023 English United Kingdom Religion & Spirituality

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