about Music – The Art of Listening. Programme 23
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Two A major Concerto’s by Mozart today.
Mozart’s Concertos for Piano and for Clarinet, are both in A major. This is one of Mozart’s “happy keys”, along with E flat major and C major. In the context of the Doctrine of the Affections, each musical key was believed to have its own inherent emotional qualities, and composers used these keys deliberately to evoke specific emotions or moods in their compositions. A major, with its bright and open character, was often seen as a key suitable for expressing joy, celebration, and positive emotions.
So please come and share some joy, celebration and positive emotions as I introduce you to the structure called “Concerto” in a way that you will not easily forget.
Mozart’s Concertos for Piano and for Clarinet, are both in A major. This is one of Mozart’s “happy keys”, along with E flat major and C major. In the context of the Doctrine of the Affections, each musical key was believed to have its own inherent emotional qualities, and composers used these keys deliberately to evoke specific emotions or moods in their compositions. A major, with its bright and open character, was often seen as a key suitable for expressing joy, celebration, and positive emotions.
So please come and share some joy, celebration and positive emotions as I introduce you to the structure called “Concerto” in a way that you will not easily forget.