Health Talk

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Tlotlang Moletsane in conversation with Dr Mashaba about Contraceptives, side effects and the importance of knowing your body preferences as a woman
31 Jul 2024 English South Africa Society & Culture

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The importance of talking about money in a relationship #MoneyMatters

Money is a major source of stress and conflict in many relationships. Openly discussing finances can help prevent these issues from escalating. When both partners are on the same page about their financial situation, goals, and values, it minimizes the chance of unexpected surprises that could lead to arguments. Join…
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"I found out that my partner is getting married on social media" #VUKAKLEVER

On today's episode of Vuka Clever, we hear from Victoria Makamu, who shares her heartbreaking story of betrayal. After being in a relationship for four years, she discovered through Facebook —thanks to a mutual friend—that the man she had loved and built a life with was marrying someone else. Tune…
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Celebrating Black Women Exellence #LenyoraWednesday

Moira Mazibuko , a spirited and results-driven Chief Marketing Officer with over 11 years of corporate experience. She combines strategic insight, martech expertise, and creative energy to deliver outstanding results. As the Founder and CMO of Moira Media, she has positioned her company as expert storytellers, helping brands craft narratives…
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