Of the Ndebele Kingship... not Kingdom
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Many questions have been thrown around the coronation of the Ndebele King in Zimbabwe. The High Court blocked the planned coronation of Mr Bulelani Colin Lobengula Khumalo as King of Ndebele on grounds that there was no law in the country allowing the establishment of a monarch. Joining Gilmore in studio is Mr Effie Ncube from the Crowne Council and one of Zimbabwe's opinionated social commentators, Busi Bhebhe. Together with Gilmore, Busi asks pertinent questions about the crowning of the King and what this implies to the people of Zimbabwe. Conversely, Effie Ncube who works directly with the Crown Council, sheds some light on the Kingship. The show looks at current affairs news, entertainment, sports and another MTV Shuga Down South episode.