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Radio Cape Pulpit

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Mission Radio Cape Pulpit is an independent, trans-cultural and trans-denominational media organisation. Our divine assignment is to proclaim the Gospel message through the production and broadcasting of radio programmes, supported by other electronic media, publications and community initiatives. Our focus is to be a companion to believers in their journey of faith and win unbelievers for Christ. We participate in radio missionary activities by facilitating and establishing Christian radio ministries in Africa and provide training and development opportunities for Christian broadcasters.

Recent podcast episodes

RODNEY BROWN - The Conversion of Timothy

Rodney Brown explores the conversion of Timothy, as recounted in Paul’s letters. Highlighting Timothy’s early exposure to the scriptures, Rodney emphasizes the vital role of his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois in nurturing his faith. He discusses how the holy scriptures provide wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus,…
13 Oct 10 min

I CAN - Fruit of the Spirit

Susan Moss delves into the profound topic of the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. She explains that "fruit" symbolizes the outcomes of our spiritual lives, similar to the results of diligent work in agriculture. Susan emphasizes that the Holy Spirit empowers believers to manifest qualities such as love,…
12 Oct 11 min

MARKPLEIN AMBASSADEURS (CBMC) - Bybelse Leierskap 88: Daniel in die Leeuwkuil

In hierdie episode van Markplek Ambassadeurs, bespreek Harm Engelbrecht die onvermoeide toewyding van Daniel in die gesig van teëstand, met spesifieke fokus op die storie van Daniel in die leeuwkuil. Hy verken hoe Daniel, ondanks die druk om sy geloof op te gee, steeds aan God getrou gebly het en…
12 Oct 20 min

MARRIAGE HOUR met KOBUS PAUW - Liefde en Respek in die Huwelik

In hierdie episode van Marriage Hour met Kobus Pauw, bespreek Kobus die belangrikheid van liefde en respek in 'n huwelik. Hy beklemtoon dat paartjies minstens 90 minute per week moet spandeer om emosioneel te verbind. Kobus verduidelik dat vroue liefde en emosionele steun nodig het, terwyl mans respek en waarde…
11 Oct 20 min

KOPSKUIF - Shaun Cairns oor Seed 2 Harvest

In hierdie motiverende episode van die Kopskuif gesels ons met Shaun Cairns oor Seed 2 Harvest. Shaun deel praktiese raad oor hoe hierdie inisiatief, wat begin het as 'n eenvoudige droom, nou 'n inspirerende werklikheid geword het. Seed 2 Harvest oorskry die grense van armoede en honger, en skep nuwe…
14 Sep 39 min