Naked Scientists Ask The Naked Scientists SA

Ask The Naked Scientists SA

Why scratch your head if you don't know the answer? What about the Earth made the dinosaurs so big? Why does the Universe spin? Is the Sun seem brighter in the morning than the evening? Are autistic people particularly at home with computers? Why do effervescent tablets fizz only in water? Why do Parkinson's patients sleepwalk without difficulty? Plus, news of a decoy molecule that can treat dwarfism and what earwax has revealed about blue whales...
Occasionally English United Kingdom Science
665 Episodes
1 – 20

Why are humans the only species with advanced intelligence?

Dr Chris answers more listener questions, including: How do sunflowers follow the sun? How does the body determine when you're passing wind or something more solid? Why are mosquitos attracted to some people more than others? Why are some people more intelligent than others? Why are humans the only species…
31 Jan 24 min

How do plants know which way is up?

How can you use sticks to calculate the circumference of the Earth? Can exfoliators remove your fingerprints? How do plants know which way is up? What dictates the pattern of a cat's stripes? What are hiccups? Can mosquitoes see you? Dr Chris Smith and Dan Corder have all the answers…
24 Jan 19 min

What causes ulcers?

Why do ants drown themselves? Could we power cars with electrolytes? What causes ulcers? Do metal wrist rings actually reduce pain? Should you take probiotics on an ongoing basis? What are duodenal ulcers? Can brain tumours cause diabetes? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this…
17 Jan 17 min

How do you find black holes?

Should you try to break bad habits? How do you stop a 'wandering' itch? Does climate change affect rainfall? Will you be tired if you dream of being awake? How do you get skin tags, and should you remove them? Why can some birds mimic humans, and some cannot? Why…
10 Jan 22 min

Why should you cook at different temperatures in fan ovens?

Dr Chris takes on the final batch of questions of 2024 on CapeTalk. Why does sound cause me pain? What's the difference between white and brown vinegar? Does radioactivity harm inorganic matter? Is there a cure for anosmia (inability to smell)?What's outside our universe? Do we pass out on rollercoasters?…
20 Dec 2024 23 min

What colour should I paint my garage roof?

Chris Smith answers CapeTalk listeners' questions. Including, do wind turbines affect the temperature of the ground? What is the cause of protein build up in my eye? Can we predict how much we might shrink as we age? And does microwaving food affect its nutritional content? Like this podcast? Please…
6 Dec 2024 19 min

Why does toothpaste contain fluoride?

Dr Chris Smith takes on listener questions on South Africa's CapeTalk. Why is there a delay between live TV and radio? Do wind turbines warm the air at ground level? Do we need to decommission the ISS? What causes genital warts? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the…
29 Nov 2024 22 min

Why is sunlight so important for the body?

Why are we called The Naked Scientists? Why should you get sunlight in the morning? Why does bright light make you sneeze? Does luck have a pattern? Is there really such thing as bad luck? Do people who don't get sunlight have more health problems? Did our skin colour change…
21 Nov 2024 19 min

Has it been a strange year for weather?

Dr Chris Smith answers questions from the listeners of CapeTalk. Including, why are pregnant women told to take folic acid? What causes ears to itch? Why is vomit yellow? Is there a relationship between organs of the body and areas of the skin? How effective is carbon dating? Like this…
15 Nov 2024 19 min

Why do athletes spit on the ground?

Dr Chris and Clarence take on another selection of topics from across the scientific spectrum: Who were the victims of the Mount Vesuvius eruption? How does one get rid of ringworm? What are the effects of a low heart rate? If our internal body temperature is 37 degrees, why do…
8 Nov 2024 24 min

What should you do if a lift cable snaps?

Do animals lower their mating standards when drunk? Why do different farts make different noises? What should you do if your lift cable snaps? Were there two Earths at one point? Where do mosquitoes go during the day? Is tinnitus always a ringing sound? Is Teflon safe to use? Is…
31 Oct 2024 21 min

Do other animals see colour?

In this episode of Ask! The Naked Scientist, Dr Chris explains how our eyesight changes as we age, what the difference is between a brown and white egg shell, and the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
25 Oct 2024 19 min

Are ambidextrous people more intelligent?

Listener science questions from South Africa answered by Dr Chris this time include: Do you urinate more liquid than the alcohol you consume? Why do dark skinned people get pigmentation underneath their armpits and between their thighs? What are the latest developments in helping restore vision to blind people? Like…
18 Oct 2024 17 min

Why do we have car headlights on during the day?

Dr Chris answers listener questions. Including, is air made up of the same proportion of stuff everywhere on Earth? What is earwax? Where is it produced and for what reason? How does time work at the North Pole? Why do strong perfumes cause sinus congestion? Like this podcast? Please help…
11 Oct 2024 19 min

What is the best way to get rid of hiccups?

Can you bring someone back from the dead? Can a special diet help flexibility in older people? What is the best way to get rid of hiccups? Are hovercrafts safe? Why is yawning contagious? Does hot water sound different to cold water? Are there tardigrades on the ISS? Dr Chris…
3 Oct 2024 20 min

Why do fairground rides get worse as we age?

In a break from the usual format, the producers of The Naked Scientists take over from Clarence Ford to ask Dr Chris Smith some of your burning scientific questions. How does intuition work? Can you transplant a pancreas? Could we mine our second Moon? Why do lights flicker in our…
26 Sep 2024 30 min

Should you wash every day?

Should you wash every day? Does washing your clothes damage them? Should you have a washcloth just for your face? Why does moving air make the temperature go down? Dr Chris Smith and Relebojile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
19 Sep 2024 15 min

Are more male babies born after a war?

Why do some people struggle to read? Are more male babies born after a war? Are some people allergic to hot skin? Why do some men's breasts swell up? Why do we use different frequencies for different broadcasts? Why do traffic lights go red when you're in a hurry? Dr…
12 Sep 2024 17 min

Can someone's heart keeping beating after death?

Why do some people grind their teeth? Can someone's heart keeping beating when they're dead? How does the brain interpret words? How do we know how long something has been dead for? Dr Chris Smith and Relebojile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting…
5 Sep 2024 15 min

How do bones heal themselves?

How much do wildfires contribute to carbon release? How do bones heal themselves? Why do weeds seem to grow faster than other plants? Why do some animals float, but others sink? Why do ducks like spinach? How did we evolve different blood types? Why do some people's temperature go down…
29 Aug 2024 18 min
1 – 20