Solid Gold Audio Drama | Theatre of the Mind
Welcome to our Theatre of the Mind.
Q: What is an audio drama?
A: An audio drama is a dramatized, purely acoustic performance.
You may have encountered these under several other names such as radio drama, audio play, radio play, radio theatre, or audio theatre.
This is a collection of carefully crafted and dramatised stories, intended to entertain and
delight you. And sometimes even make you think.
We trust you'll enjoy this audio adventure with us.
Q: What is an audio drama?
A: An audio drama is a dramatized, purely acoustic performance.
You may have encountered these under several other names such as radio drama, audio play, radio play, radio theatre, or audio theatre.
This is a collection of carefully crafted and dramatised stories, intended to entertain and
delight you. And sometimes even make you think.
We trust you'll enjoy this audio adventure with us.