Happy anniversary, Ryan and Karen!

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs O'Connor on their 20th wedding anniversary! We really hope he wasn't serious about the Wacky Wednesday though!
22 Nov 2023 5AM English South Africa Comedy Interviews

Other recent episodes

"I just want my dad to be happy..."

We opened up a conversation about loss and finding new love. It's a question that would be difficult to think about, but it's also the reality for many of us. After our listeners shared their stories we got thinking about what it's like being in the position of a child…
10 Jun 5AM 3 min

Losing a partner and moving on: listeners share their stories

It's not a conversation that we have often, but losing a loved is something we all experience in our lives. But what about when you lose a partner and eventually try to start loving someone new? It's a conversation Ryan opened up to our listeners who shared their stories.
10 Jun 5AM 5 min

David Derman debuts on Smile FM

Every now and then a new artist comes around and you just have a feeling that they're going to do something special with their career. Ryan came across a young singer/songwriter who was on the eve of releasing his single 'Mind Like Yours'. Today David popped in for a visit…
7 Jun 6AM 4 min

Unpacking toxic competition in work and life

We live in a competitive world and we can get particularly jealous of our peers' achievements. We've all been there - someone gets the promotion that you wanted, your classmate gets into the first team before you. Ryan was trying to wrap his head around what seems to be human…
6 Jun 5AM 5 min

SANCCOB needs our help

The African penguin population is decreasing at 7.9% a year and, at that rate, they could be extinct by 2035, which makes SANCCOB’s conservation efforts to reverse the decline of numbers crucial. On average, 500 to 600 African penguin chicks and 300 to 400 African penguin eggs are brought to…
6 Jun 4AM 4 min