FUNRISE with Jacquie - Tuesday, 16 April 2024

1. Place your right hand on the right side of the bridge and Breath into the right hand.
2. Place left hand on left side of the ribs and breathe into the left hand.
3. Arms down: breathe into right side of ribs lifting right arm up.
4. Same for the left side.
Remember to practice this during the day whenever you can.
15 Apr 11PM English South Africa Health & Fitness

Other recent episodes

FunRise with Jacquie - Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Theme 53 Flowing from 1 position to another. Exercises: 1. Breathing with full body stretch 2. Ankle exercises 3. Log Rolling to sitting. Reverse arm circle to spinal extension and flexion 4. Legs apart knee bends 5. Last Friday’s step tap routine
13 May 11PM 5 min

FunRise with Jacquie - Tuesday, 07 May 2024

Episode 48 Exercises: 1. Breathing with Arm Circles 2. Rolling to centre of the bed 3. Rolling to getting out of side of bed 4. Sitting to standing 5. Standing to sitting to rolling on to the bed.
6 May 11PM 5 min

FunRise with Jacquie - Monday, 06 May 2024.

Episode 46 The themes this week is coordination in getting in and out of bed and learning to change weight from 1 foot to the other. Exercises: 1. Lying on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. 2. Shoulder drops. 3. Learning to Roll towards the centre…
5 May 11PM 5 min

FunRise with Jacquie - Friday, 03 May 2024

Episode 46 Theme based on hips knees ankles and moving in a standing position and using the brain to coordinate movements. Seated Ex: 1: Breathing with arms Ex: 2: Ankle exercises Ex: 3: knee bends Ex: 4: Hip rotations Ex: 5: Stand Ex: 6: step tap, forward tap. Side tap…
2 May 11PM 5 min