Friday 17 May - 5 pm news

NamRA to host custom leaders in Swakopmund.
Ongos Valley completes 460 homes in the first phase of development.
Israel alleges a legal ambush in the ICJ proceedings.
And...Brazil will host the Women's World Cup in 2027.
17 May 11AM English Namibia News

Other recent episodes

17 June - 1 pm news

Namibia hosts Aviation Development Conference. SA’s Ramaphosa is to be inaugurated as President on Wednesday. Greek coastguard blamed for migrant deaths. And...Indian man accused of plotting to kill Sikh leader extradited.
17 Jun 7AM 3 min

17 June-8am news

#Social Activist Herbert Jauch Calls for Modernized Socialism Amid Rising Unemployment #Business and Economics Researcher advocates for strong governance frameworks within State-Owned Enterprises #Historic Political Shift in South Africa As ANC and DA Form Government of National Unity #JNIM Claims Responsibility for Deadly Attack in Burkina Faso ...and #Seoul urges…
17 Jun 12AM 3 min

17 June-7am news

#Economics Researcher advocates for strong governance frameworks within State-Owned Enterprises #Social Activist Herbert Jauch Calls for Modernized Socialism Amid Rising Unemployment in Namibia #S.A's Mkhonto we Sizwe Joins Alliance to Challenge ANC-DA Coalition Government #Protests in Eastern Congo Lead to Seven Deaths Amid Surge in Rebel Attacks...and #US FAA investigating…
17 Jun 12AM 3 min

14 June - Top Stories

Health Ministry monitors Mpox outbreak in neighbouring South Africa. SA’s Ramaphos sworn in as a member of parliament and confirmed to remain president as the country marks 30 years of democracy. AfDB chif calls for calls for equitable youth-based wealth creation in Africa.
14 Jun 1PM 4 min

14 June - 5 pm news

Education Ministry seeks input on school calendar changes. SA’s Ramaphos sworn in as a member of parliament and confirmed to remain president as the country marks 30 years of democracy. And...French mainstream socialists agree to a multi-party coalition.
14 Jun 11AM 3 min