Voice Of Change - Katie Mohamed - meaning of women's month

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22.08.2024 - This week on Voice of Change Lauren is joined by marketing specialist and media maven Katie Mohamed. Katie has dedicated her career to helping individuals unlock their potential and achieve their dreams through mentorship and empowerment, and has carved a formidable
path as a change catalyst in various areas of influence. On the show, Katie and Lauren discuss the meaning of women's month and some
reflections to take away from the present moment as we carve a legacy based on purpose and passion. Katie also shares about what it means to
have a seat at the table, and how that seat needs to be earned, as well as navigating imposter syndrome as women. Celebrating her recent memoir launch, Katie speaks into the need to tell our stories and to listen to the stories of everyday women as they inspire and challenge us in our own journeys.
22 Aug 2024 English South Africa News · Christianity

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