S04 E06 Alex Latimer
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Alex Latimer is an author and illustrator of children's fiction and an author of books for adults. As Frank Owen, he and Diane Awerbuck wrote the dystopian novels SOUTH and NORTH. Alex also recently released the acclaimed collection of short stories LOVE STORIES FOR GHOSTS.
Alex joins Fiona Snyckers and Gail Schimmel to talk about how his career as an illustrator got started thanks to his own chutzpah, and why he believes that anyone can learn to draw. Alex tells us how his own experience of personal loss fed into the deeply poignant stories in his latest collection.
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Alex joins Fiona Snyckers and Gail Schimmel to talk about how his career as an illustrator got started thanks to his own chutzpah, and why he believes that anyone can learn to draw. Alex tells us how his own experience of personal loss fed into the deeply poignant stories in his latest collection.
For more details about the books, movies, series, and podcasts that are discussed on the show, sign up for our weekly newsletter.
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