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Radio Pulpit

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Radio Pulpit is an established, reliable, relevant media voice and preferred Christian radio station and partner in South Africa and beyond. With more than four decades of broadcasting experience, this trusted brand is a welcome voice in households and businesses across the country.

Recent podcast episodes

The promise/gift of the father #7

Mashadi Mathosa continues her series on the gift of the Father, the Holy Spirit, explaining how to receive divine wealth that cannot be purchased with money. She references 1 John 2:16-17, emphasizing that while worldly desires are fleeting, but he who keeps his word will abide forever.
17 Jul 5AM 15 min

Legal Junction.

Lukho Mkhwedi Phuti is conversing with Mr. Pholoso Seakamela about Legal Junction. They dive deeper and look at what is law, who are we in law, and what are different disciplines of the law are.
26 Jul 21 min

Gaming P2.

Mrs. Anker De Deer is conversing with Mr. Aldred De Beer about Gaming P2. In today's discussions, they are looking on digital migration and focusthe effects of gaming and extreme screentime on children especially when visiting grandparents who may otherwise not be stricter on them over spending time on the…
26 Jul 21 min

The Drive Your Claim Forward Campaign.

Ayanda Nenemba is back again in conversation with Mr. McIntosh Pholela spokesperson from RAF about the Drive Your Claim Forward Campaign. They are looking at what the campaign is all about and its value.
26 Jul 7AM 21 min

Delf Steeds Dieper | Vrydag 26 Julie 2024

In hierdie aanbieding van Delf Steeds Dieper, uitgesaai op Vrydag 26 Julie 2024. Elmain J van Rensburg is ‘n kosbare dame wat reeds baie jare werk onder plaaswerkers in die De Doorns Vallei. Sy vertel van die nood, hoe hulle dit aanspreek en ook heerlike verwagting van ‘n moontlike nuwe…
26 Jul 1 hr 03 min