Radio Pulpit Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart is a magazine show on Radio Pulpit that brings you teachings, gospel music and advice. The programmes are both entertaining and informative. To keep the content fresh, inspiring and from different perspectives, we have three presenters, each with their unique style.
Daily English South Africa Christianity · Christianity
1,717 Episodes
1 – 20

Love P2.

What is love? Why love? What does it mean as we approach Valentine's Day? Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is in great conversation once more with Dr. Julius Magot Mbu and they are talking about Love. They are focusing on greater love and we must look at it from a Biblical perspective.
13 Feb 9AM 36 min

World Radio Day 2025.

Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is in great conversation with the CEO of Radio Pulpit and a member of DRMSA about World Radio Day. They are looking at the theme for 2025: Radio and Climate change. They are looking at how radio can tackle climate change how radio technology is evolving to…
13 Feb 7AM 10 min

What does the law say about Maintenance? P3.

Lukho Mkwedi Phuthiis in Legal Junction with Mr. Pholoso Seakamela and they are discussing maintenance. They are wrapping up by focussing more on the duty or responsibility of an adult child to support their parents.
7 Feb 5AM 37 min

The purpose of marriage and how it is to be modelled.

What is marriage? What is the purpose of marriage? Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is conversing with Mr. Mo and Mrs. Phindi who are marriage experts and they are looking at The purpose of marriage and how it is to be modelled. They also share their life journey (life upbringing) until they…
7 Feb 4AM 46 min

Fasting And Prayer.

Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is having a great conversation with Pastor Julias Magot Mbu in Word Fest and they are looking at Fasting And Prayer. They are unpacking what is fasting, what is praying and what is fasting and prayer, why must we fast and pray, and how to do it…
7 Feb 1AM 38 min

How God Operates.

Do you know how God operates? Can you tell and say this is the way Yahawah operates? To get more information and understanding of how God operates, Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is back with Pastor Bongani Moyo in Word Fest and they are conversing about How God Operates.
5 Feb 7AM 44 min

The power of knowledge.

What is knowledge? Why knowledge? What does the scripture say about knowledge? Sibongile Mofokeng is with Pastor Patience Phokela and they are conversing about The power of knowledge. They are unpacking and looking into its importance and its power.
5 Feb 5AM 46 min

How God views fruitfulness and profitability P2.

Sibongile Mofokeng is back with Pastor Lukas Nkosi and they are continuing with How God Views Fruitfulness and Profitability. In today's session, they are diving deeper and that we must not teach people for excitement but must take stock of fruitfulness and eventually check growth out of those teachings.
5 Feb 4AM 42 min

EFiling Profile Hijacking.

Sibongile Mofokeng is conversing with Frick Pretorius from Tax Ombuds Office and they are looking at EFiling Profile Hijacking. They are looking at the new trend used by criminals where they hack into SARS accounts and go to people's filing profile hijacking and change whatever they change and you end…
4 Feb 7AM 25 min

How God views fruitfulness and profitability P1.

Sibongile Mofokeng is in great conversation with Pastor Lukas Mkosi and they are talking about How God views fruitfulness and profitability. They start by unpacking what fruitfulness is, and profitability. They look at how we sometimes work and do all and later look back to check your fruitfulness and that…
4 Feb 4AM 41 min

The importance of deliverance from negative things and evil spirits.

What is deliverance? How does one get deliverance? Can a person be delivered from negative things and evil spirits? To find clarity to this issue, Sibongile Mofokeng is back with Bishop Caiphus Manzini Mkhize and Pastor Mavis Mkhize and they are in great conversation about The importance of deliverance from…
4 Feb 3AM 40 min

Compulsory Contraceptives For Teenage Girls?

Compulsory Contraceptives For Teenage Girls.? Sibongile Mofokeng is back with Dr. Pearl Kgomotso Kupe and today they are looking at Compulsory Contraceptives For Teenage Girls. They are also looking at how we respond to such suggestions as Christian parents.
3 Feb 2AM 46 min

Awake South Africa National Prayer Day.

Sibongile Mofokeng is in conversation with Janet Hollis about Awake South Africa National Prayer Day. They are looking at why National Prayer Day, when will this take place who must be part of this event, and how to be part of it.
31 Jan 6AM 23 min

What does the law say about Maintenance? P2.

Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is back on Legal Junction with Mr. Seakamela and today they are focusing on the Maintenance Act. They are continuing to unpack this act and highlighting that failure to pay maintenance in South Africa is a crime that can land you behind bars and that parents can…
30 Jan 7AM 17 min

The Let's Pray Gathering.

Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is in conversation with Kea Modise Moloto and they are talking about the Let's Pray Gathering. This gathering will kickstart the year as women, all working women, any women who are in business either small or great, and all professional women before they start or go deep…
30 Jan 6AM 14 min

The impact of gaming on elderly people.

Dr. Anke De Beer is back again about Gaming and today they are talking about the impact of gaming on elderly people and how we can protect them from predators like we do to our children.
30 Jan 1AM 21 min

Our Identity In Christ.

Who are you? Lukho Mkwedi Phuthi is in conversation with Pastor Bongani Moyo in Word Fest and they are talking about Our Identity In Christ. They are also looking at the issue of who are we, why we have to go to church, and what the Bible says about these…
29 Jan 7AM 45 min

Profaning the Marriage Covenant.

How do you treat marriage? Sibongile Mofokeng is in great conversation with Pastor Ernest Kwadi and they are talking about Profaning the Marriage Covenant. They explain what it means to profess marriage, that marriage is a holy, sacred institution and is created by God, and that it should not be…
29 Jan 6AM 45 min

God's Grace.

Dr. Sibo Mkhize is back again in the hot seat as she converses with Sibongile Mofokeng about God's Grace. They're looking at the fact that God's grace never operates our way but God's way when our hearts can't comprehend what someone did to us, that we need to understand that…
27 Jan 8AM 39 min

Learning How To Let Go Of Your Old Toxic Traits.

What toxic traits do you have in your life? Do you know these toxic traits? Sibongile Mofokeng is conversing with Dr. Sibo Mkhize and they are discussing Learning How To Let Go Of Your Old Toxic Traits. They are looking at what are these toxic traits, and how to deal…
27 Jan 7AM 1 hr 06 min
1 – 20