Radio Pulpit Mphatlalatsane


Listeners can expect a fresh Word from God early in the morning every weekday. Pastors from different denominations join us to teach the Word of God.
Daily Sotho South Africa Christianity · Christianity
690 Episodes
1 – 20

Today God will begin to exalt you

Pastor Zani Dladla encourages the believers to wait on God to exalt them before the eyes of man, as He exalted Joshua in the eyes of all Israel. Joshua 3: 7 - 8
25 Jul 6AM 7 min

Hanging question #1

Pastor Gwen Matshoba encourages us to diligently search and examine the Scriptures, just as the Berean church did. Unlike the Thessalonians who accepted everything without verification, let us be diligent in confirming the truth of what we hear. Acts 17:10
16 Jul 8AM 22 min

We owe it to our young ones

Pastor Gwen Matshoba speaks on the parental mandate, emphasizing that parents are called to be teachers and instructors for their children. It is our duty to guide and instruct them, while children are expected to uphold their father's commands and not forsake their mother's teachings, as highlighted in Proverbs 30:11.
16 Jul 8AM 22 min

Teach people about the greatest God you know and obey

Pastor Zani Dladla emphasizes the importance of teaching others about the great God we know and obey. Drawing from the book of Joshua 3:1-6, he underscores the call to consecrate ourselves in preparation for encountering God's mighty works.
16 Jul 7AM 7 min

After praying take action

Pastor Zani Dladla is talking about taking action after you've prayed, don't doubt your prayer. 2 Kings 6 : 19
16 Jul 7AM 9 min

Let us hold on to our faith

Pastor Gwen Matshoba teaches about the importance of holding on to our faith. In Luke 18:1, Jesus shares a parable to show His disciples the significance of persistent prayer, especially in the context of the end times and the spiritual challenges that come with it. This theme is echoed in…
25 Jun 7AM 21 min

Different season of life

Pastor Gwen Matshoba is teaching about the different seasons of life, drawing from Genesis 8:22 and Ecclesiastes 3:1. Both scriptures emphasize the importance of time and seasons. She explains that just as the natural world experiences various seasons, our lives also go through different phases. We each encounter unique seasons…
25 Jun 7AM 20 min

The prophet of God, answered "don't be afraid"

Pastor Zani Dladla is discussing 2 Kings 6:15-18, where the prophet of God reassures his servant by saying, "Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Let's take courage in our situations that we are not alone, but there's an…
25 Jun 6AM 8 min

Elisha the prophet of God

Pastor Zani Dladla discusses the story of Elisha, the prophet of God, as recounted in 2 Kings 6:8-12, where Elisha traps the blinded Arameans. He emphasizes that there are prophets who seek to profit from you, but there are also those who are genuinely doing the will of God.
14 Jun 9AM 10 min


Pastor Gwen Matshoba talks about Micah's Judges 17 : 1 - 2 The name "Micah" means "Who is like Yahweh?" or "Who is like God?". In this narrative, Micah's mother initially curses the thief who took her silver, not knowing it was her son. Once Micah confesses to taking the…
12 Jun 4AM 20 min

Seek God in the days of your youth

Pastor Gwen Matshoba speaks on Ecclesiastes 12:1, emphasizing the importance of seeking God in the days of your youth. She highlights that even the young can grow weary, stumble, and fall, underscoring the need to seek God's strength and guidance early in life.
12 Jun 4AM 20 min

Different kinds of prayers #2

Pastor Gwen Matshoba continues her teachings on the different kinds of prayers, drawing from 1 Kings 18:23-39. Just as Elijah offered his sacrifice on the altar to exalt the one true God, so should our prayers and sacrifices be made with the intention of glorifying Him. God responds to prayers…
7 Jun 8AM 20 min

Praise the Lord

Pastor Zani Dladla discusses the importance of praising the Lord, referencing Psalm 148:1-13. This passage emphasizes that the Lord's splendor surpasses both the earth and the heavens.
6 Jun 7AM 9 min

Freedom in Christ

Pastor Zani Dladla discusses the concept of freedom in Christ, as highlighted in Galatians 5:1. He emphasizes the importance of managing Christian freedom responsibly.
6 Jun 7AM 10 min

Your eyes see, your ears hear

Bishop Lucky Moloantoa reflects on Matthew 13:16, emphasizing the profound blessing of perceiving God's presence in our lives and hearing His word. He reminds us that prophets and seers longed to witness and hear these divine revelations but were unable to. This privilege highlights the unique grace bestowed upon us…
4 Jun 8AM 15 min

Returning back to Egypt

Bishop Lucky Moloantoa speaks about turning back to Egypt, drawing from Acts 7:38-40. Stephen explained to those who had received Jesus and those seeking salvation, who Jesus Christ is. Despite Moses having a word from God to encourage them, there were those who refused to listen. When you hear a…
4 Jun 8AM 15 min

The unknown God

Bishop Lucky Moloantoa addresses the concept of the "unknown God" as mentioned in Acts 17:16-23. In this passage, Paul, while waiting in Athens, was deeply troubled by the city's rampant idol worship. Paul saw that the people were searching for something greater, but their pursuit led them to worship various…
4 Jun 8AM 15 min

The house of the Lord

Bishop Lucky Moloantoa speaks on the significance of the house of the Lord, drawing from Psalms 82:1-2 and the words of David: "I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'" Today, many do not share this same enthusiasm when invited to…
4 Jun 8AM 15 min

Different kinds of prayers #1

Pastor Gwen Matshoba teaches about different kinds of prayers, drawing from Matthew 7:8, which states, "For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." She addresses the question of why some of our prayers seem to go unanswered…
4 Jun 7AM 20 min
1 – 20