Tsa Matsha

Tsa Matsha offers listeners Biblical counselling, comfort and companionship. The Word of God and guidance to strengthen you for the day ahead. The music for the programme is carefully selected to set an atmosphere of peace, strength and power.
Daily Xhosa South Africa Christianity · Christianity
701 Episodes
1 – 20

No weapon formed against you shall prosper

Pastor J M Mahlangu draws from Isaiah 54:17 and John 16:33 to emphasize God's assurance: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." This declaration invites us to walk boldly and confidently in God's promises.
17 Jul 7AM 20 min

You are held by the God who rescues

Pastor J.M. Mahlangu teaches about being held by the God who rescues, drawing on Psalm 18:16-28 and Luke 1:68-79. He reminds the saints that no matter the situation, they are never alone. Referencing Psalm 13:4-5, he encourages believers to trust in God's unwavering presence and deliverance.
17 Jul 7AM 20 min

The battle is real! Stay dependent on Jesus Christ

Pastor J.M. Mahlangu emphasizes the importance of staying dependent on Jesus Christ, highlighting the reality of the spiritual battle we face. He references Proverbs 27:12 and Psalm 34:4-7 to illustrate the need for vigilance and trust in God's protection. He also cites Ephesians 6:12-13, reminding us that our struggle is…
17 Jul 7AM 21 min

Power of consistency #3

Pastor Bongani Moyo highlighted the power of consistency, drawing from Acts 3:6-10. He emphasized the significance of maintaining regular prayer, describing it as a vital channel through which God intervenes supernaturally in human affairs. Pastor Moyo also spoke about the transformative power of divine encounters with those anointed by God.
26 Jun 8AM 21 min

Arise and walk

Pastor Bongani Moyo delivers a powerful message based on Acts 3:2-11, urging believers to arise and walk. He emphasizes that prayer should be the lifestyle of a believer, we believe God regardless of the circumstances. He's talking to people who had dreams that were aborted in the conception stage, even…
26 Jun 8AM 21 min

Power of consistency #2

Pastor Bongani Moyo continues his discussion on the power of consistency, focusing on Luke 18:1-8. He emphasizes that prayer is the system God uses to answer His children. Today, the message centers on the parable of the persistent widow who repeatedly sought justice from the judge. The pastor encourages us…
25 Jun 9AM 20 min

Power of consistency #1

Pastor Bongani Moyo discusses the power of consistency, drawing from Luke 18:1-8. In this parable, Jesus encourages persistence in prayer, emphasizing that we should always pray and never lose heart. Prayer is a divine system that connects humanity with God, allowing the Holy Spirit to translate and present our petitions…
25 Jun 8AM 21 min

The harvest is plenty

Dr. Mary Masina discusses the abundance of the harvest, referencing Luke 10:2: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." In verse 1, it is written, "After this, the Lord appointed seventy others…
25 Jun 8AM 17 min

God has given us authority

Dr. Mary Masina speaks about the authority granted to humanity. She references Luke 10:19, highlighting how Jesus frequently taught the Word, instructing His disciples about the harvest and the power of prayer. Jesus emphasized that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, and assured them that they have…
25 Jun 8AM 18 min

Man ought to pray always #2

Dr. Mary Masina emphasizes the importance of prayer, citing Luke 18:1 and James 5:16. Jesus encouraged continuous prayer, urging people not to lose heart or grow weary. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Therefore, we should always pray for all the Lord's people and all situations,…
7 Jun 9AM 20 min

Man ought to pray always #1

Dr. Mary Masina emphasizes the importance of constant prayer, drawing from Luke 18:1, which urges us to always pray and not lose heart. She teaches that we should pray in all seasons—both in times of prosperity and in times of difficulty. We should cultivate a habit of prayer and immerse…
7 Jun 8AM 20 min

Christ the restorer

Pastor Bongani Ntuli speaks on the transformative power of Christ in his sermon "Christ Who Restores," based on Acts 9:32-43. He emphasizes that when Christ encounters our paralyzed or hopeless situations, profound changes occur, and healing takes place. The miracles performed by Christ draw people to Him, showcasing His divine…
4 Jun 5AM 20 min

Fear of man brings a snare

Pastor Bongani Ntuli discusses Proverbs 29:25, which states, "The fear of man brings a snare." He explains that the devil often entices us with things that appear good, but ultimately lead to our destruction. When we fear man, we set ourselves up for a trap, falling into situations that can…
4 Jun 4AM 20 min

Our life hidden in Christ

Pastor Bongani Ntuli speaks about our life being hidden in Christ, drawing from Colossians 3:1-3. He emphasizes that Christ's resurrection is our resurrection too. Therefore, we should seek and yearn for the things above, where Christ is seated. Our lives should reflect God's presence, letting those around us see that…
4 Jun 4AM 19 min

Our rock of salvation

Pastor Bongani Ntuli talks about our rock of salvation. Psalms 18 : 2; Psalms 62 : 2 We need to be personal with God, knowing/understanding your experience with Him, own Him as your God. David saw God being his strength and his rock.
4 Jun 3AM 20 min

This mountain shall be removed

Dr. Mary Masina discusses Mark 11:23-24, emphasizing faith. Following Jesus cursing the fig tree, He aimed to cultivate the disciples' faith. Jesus addresses the daily challenges of life, teaching that we are endowed with the power to pray, speak the word, and command our situations.
31 May 6AM 20 min

Be unmovable in faith

Dr. Mary Masina discusses 1 Corinthians 15:58, emphasizing the importance of standing firm in faith, remaining steadfast, and wholeheartedly dedicating ourselves to the work of the Lord. She encourages believers to let nothing move them from their commitment to God's work.
31 May 6AM 19 min

Breaking the chains of Worldliness and carnality

Pastor J. M. Mahlangu addresses the issue of breaking the chains of worldliness and carnality. He emphasizes that these issues pose significant problems for many Christians, causing them to become double-minded, fostering enmity with God, and ultimately leading to spiritual death. This aligns with the message in James 4:4, which…
30 May 9AM 21 min

Breaking the chains of disobedience and rebellion

Pastor J. M. Mahlangu speaks about breaking the chains of disobedience and rebellion. He refers to Isaiah 1:19-20, which says, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword, for the mouth…
30 May 9AM 21 min
1 – 20