#107 End of a period | Demystifying the transition stage of menopause

In this episode, Carmen Murray and Cindy Gallop (CEO, Make Love Not Porn | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion activist) focus on the often-overlooked subjects of menopause and ageism.

They highlight the scarcity of open discussions and research on menopause and stress the importance of viewing this stage of life positively, as a transition to an empowered second phase of life.

Cindy emphasises that menopause impacts not only the individual woman, but also those around her, and she advocates for employers to provide support during this transitional period. She also discusses how her company, Make Love Not Porn, helps couples manage sexual health through menopausal changes.

They also touch on the idea of leveraging your age as a means to combat ageism in various aspects of life.
23 Jan English Explicit South Africa Marketing

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