#23 - Financial Best Practices During Unplanned & Sudden Events | With Ronel Jooste

Most of us know we need to save some money for a rainy day or an emergency, but how prepared are most of us really for a sudden, unplanned, global economic disruption like the Covid-19 Outbreak?

On this week's episode myself and Ronel Jooste get real about the impact that the virus outbreak and the enforced lock down has had on every household and business's financial wellness and health at this time.

Ronel Jooste is a Chartered Accountant, Financial Advisor, Author, Speaker and multi award winning entrepreneur and financial expert.

As a financial consultant she has worked with multiple businesses ranging from medium size enterprises to large listed corporate companies and is currently consulting for Old Mutual Limited Group in Cape Town.

Her first book about personal finances, Financially Fit and Wealthy, has been awarded with an AfriCAN Authors 2019 Award in the financial literacy category.

In this episode Ronel shares valuable financial lessons we can learn from the current situation as well as the practical financial do's and don'ts we need to consider right now to avoid being in financial ruin or distress once this is all behind us.

We also chat a little about the impact on businesses at this time and what to consider if you are a business owner or starting a business at this time.


To connect with me via email: admin@mickeyroothman.com
1 Apr 2020 English South Africa Self-Improvement · Business

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