#25 - How To Stop Smoking & Get Free From Addiction | With John Dicey CEO Of The Allen Carr Easyway Organization

I promised you some helpful content during the covid-19 lockdown period and this episode will definitely help those struggling with addiction.

For over 30 years with operations and activities in more than 50 countries worldwide, Allen Carr’s Easyway organisation has been helping to set people free from addictions and issues ranging from smoking, alcohol, weight, drugs, sugar, caffeine, debt, gambling and even fear of flying. Including a host of stars like Ellen Degeneres, Pink, Richard Branson & Ashton Kutcher to name a few.

Allen Carr worked extensively on applying his method to other issues and addictions, drafting a huge quantity of texts. He worked closely with Robin Hayley and John Dicey (respectively Chairman and MD of Allen Carr’s Easyway) entrusting them with the method in the knowledge that they were more than capable of editing his work and updating it as required.

My guest on today’s episode is John Dicey, the Global CEO & Senior Therapist for Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking method.
After quitting smoking, having smoked 80 cigarettes a day, John was inspired to help others to do the same. He was trained by the late Allen Carr in 1998 and went on to treat more than 30,000 smokers face to face.
John & Allen worked on a series of books together which have sold over 16 million copies worldwide.

If you're ready to stop smoking or kick just about any addiction, then this episode is a must listen for you!

Want me to cover a specific that is an obstacle or a challenge for you right now on this podcast? EMAIL: admin@mickeyroothman.co.za

16 Apr 2020 English South Africa Self-Improvement · Business

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