#27 - 5 Crucial Self-Care Practices For Inner Peace & Wellness In Turbulent Times

When we're having experiences that leave us feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, worried and uncertain, our own self-care usually falls by the way side and is neglected.

Self-care however is crucial not just to our overall wellness, but to give us the clarity, direction and alignment that we need to navigate our way through it.

If inner peace is what you are longing for in these turbulent and uncertain times with the Covid 19 pandemic turning our lives upside down globally, then this episode is a must listen for you.

In this episode I swap roles a bit :-) This time around I am the one being interviewed by none other than Jarette Petzer, the CEO & Founder of #ImStaying on their all new media platform #ImStaying Media.

We get practical about how we can ensure our mental wellness remains in tact at this time.

#ImStaying is a Facebook Group and movement of just over 1 million South Africans who share positive stories about South Africa, encourage, uplift and support one another and are actively striving to make a tangible difference in SA.

I share the 5 Crucial Daily Levels on which we need to check in with ourselves and at least 1 other person per day if we want to ensure we maintain our inner peace and overall wellness during this pandemic outbreak that has left many fearful and uncertain.

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You will find all links mentioned in this episode below.

To get in touch with me via email contact admin@mickeyroothman.com
6 May 2020 English South Africa Self-Improvement · Business

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