#29 - The Voice Inside Your Head | Why we have it and how to use it

We all have it....That incessant chatter inside our heads.

But have you ever paid attention to what its saying or questioned why its even there in the first place?

I mean what purpose does it serve? Does it even have a purpose? Is that me talking in there or who is it? YIP, that's exactly the kind of chatter that little voice up there is having and its having it ALL THE TIME!

In this episode of Breakthrough, myself and the G-Club crew dive deeper into understanding "The Voice Inside Our Heads" and how we can use it to serve us on our personal and spiritual growth journey towards awakening, healing & growth.

This episode is especially helpful right now during the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic and most of us being in lockdown which can cause that little voice to speak even louder and more neurotically than usual, right?

G-CLUB HOSTS: Mickey Roothman, Natalie Meager, Elda Lopes, Mariette Vorster


To get in touch via email: admin@mickeyroothman.com
20 May 2020 English South Africa Self-Improvement · Business

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