#31 - How To Lead With Empathy | Empathic Leadership With Mimi Nicklin

Empathy is something we all posses.
But in a world where most of us are taught that feelings and emotions are a bad thing, empathy is often suppressed and viewed as a weakness.

The truth is that empathy is really a strength, not just in our day to day lives but also in the workplace.

On this week's episode I chat to Global Empathetic Leader, Author and Coach Mimi Nicklin about what Empathetic Leadership is and why it is a key element and a catalyst to growth, success, innovation and overall organizational culture and wellness within an organization.

Mimi also shares practical ways to transition into an Empathetic Leadership model right now, especially at a time where change, uncertainty, fear and anxiety is rife amid the Covid 19 pandemic and most countries being on lockdown and many teams working remotely.

GET IN TOUCH VIA EMAIL: admin@mickeyroothman.com

31 May 2020 English South Africa Self-Improvement · Business

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